Gero Vita Harnesses State-of-the-Art Softgel Technology to Expand, Improve Nutritional Formulas

Released on = April 5, 2007, 11:26 am

Press Release Author = Gero Vita

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = Softgel technology can help make nutritional supplementation
more efficient-and its numerous advantages have prompted premium nutraceutical
company Gero Vita to offer many of its exclusive formulations in this advanced
delivery system.

Press Release Body = LOS ANGELES, Calif., April 2007-A manufacturing process known
as softgel technology can help make nutritional supplementation more efficient-and
its numerous advantages have prompted premium nutraceutical company Gero VitaT to
offer many of its exclusive formulations in this advanced delivery system.

In fact, the company is collaborating with one of the largest softgel manufacturers
on the West Coast, enlisting the facility's state-of-the-art machinery to create
some of the most advanced softgels on the market.

Softgels offer an innovative delivery system for nutritional supplements that
provides efficient access to the nutrients inside each dose. The ingredients are
suspended in an emulsion of soy lecithin, which is an easily digested type of oil,
and are coated in gelatin. Unlike traditional pills, softgels don't include binders
and other ingredients to help break down the pill inside the body-and they break
down a full 15 minutes faster. Best of all, softgels offer greater bioavailability,
meaning that the ingredients inside can be more readily absorbed by the body.

To make the benefits of this technology available to all of its customers, Gero
VitaT began a comprehensive expansion and revision of its product line, and is
unveiling its "Plus" line of products. Many customer favorites-which have sold
millions, including Gero-VitaT G.H.3., Prostata, Arthro-7, and GlucoVitaT-are
available in softgel form as GH3 Plus, Prostata Plus, Arthro-7 Plus, GlucoVitaT
Plus, and many more.

Founded in 1989 and headquartered in Los Angeles, Gero VitaT is an innovative
nutraceutical company that produces state-of-the-art nutritional supplements and
vitality products. Gero VitaT is also affiliated with the Journal of Longevity, a
monthly magazine that explores scientific and alternative approaches to health and

For more information, contact Gero Vita at (310) 348-3722 or visit

Web Site =

Contact Details = Marketing Dept.
6701 Center Drive West, Suite 1500
Los Angeles, CA 90045

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